Unveiling the Magic: Interview with Matt at Siemens Transform 2024

We recently had the opportunity to catch up with Matt Greenhalgh, Product & Solutions Development Team Leader at Siemens and ACE Management board member. We sat down with Matt at the Siemens Transform 2024 event in Manchester and asked him 3 questions to shed light on the often- overlooked world of Automatic Control Engineering.

ACE: Automatic control engineering might sound complex, but it’s behind many everyday technologies! Can you explain, in simple terms, how this field works?

Matt: “Automatic Control Engineering is the wizardry behind everyday technologies. It designs systems that manage themselves using sensors, actuators, and clever algorithms. Think of cruise control in cars or temperature control in buildings, they’re all powered by automatic control. From factories to electric vehicles to healthcare devices, this field keeps our world running smoothly.”

ACE: From Inspiration to Impact: What is your job role and what drew you initially to the field of automatic control engineering? Was there a specific problem you wanted to solve, or an innovation that sparked your interest? 

Matt: “As a Product & Solutions Development Team Leader, my focus lies in creating industrial inverters. These devices are like the unsung heroes of automation, they seamlessly blend into larger control systems, whether in logistics centres or manufacturing plants.

Back in university, I customised my degree to focus on Control Systems and Power Electronics. That thrill of designing and developing systems with tangible physical outcomes ignited my passion.

However, my work isn’t just about inverters; it’s about impact:

Sustainability: By optimising energy usage and efficiency, our inverters contribute to a greener future. Imagine factories humming along, powered by smart control systems that minimise waste and maximise output.

Purpose: Making the world go round. No matter what you did today we probably helped at some point. Whether it was in getting a parcel to your door or the product to the shop, ensuring your luggage arrived at its destination, pumping water to your tap or making sure the lift took you to the right floor safely. So, when you see a smoothly functioning system, know that there’s a bit of automatic control engineering making it all happen.”

ACE: Building a Stronger Future: Engineering thrives on diverse perspectives. What advice can you offer to young people interested in pursuing a career in automatic control engineering? 

Matt: “Simply get involved and explore the vast scope of opportunities that Automatic Control Engineering offers. Seek out role models like Christine Darden and Howard H Rosenbrock. Connect with like-minded people, find your passion, and shape the future!”

ACE: Thank you, Matt, your insights provide a fascinating glimpse into the world of Automatic Control Engineering and your commitment to creating positive impact is inspiring.

Stay tuned for more interviews with our ACE community members.

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