Constantinos (Kostas) Theodoropoulos
Co-Chair of the Clean Growth Challenge Research Committee
Constantinos (Kostas) is Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Systems Engineering, in the Department of Chemical Engineering (CE).
He received his BSc in Mathematics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece and his MSc and PhD in Chemical Engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo, USA. He then worked as a post-doctoral associate in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Princeton University.
He sustains a world-leading group in the interdisciplinary area of industrial biotechnology and multi-scale process dynamics of biochemical systems. I integrate advanced detailed computational modelling, optimisation, experimental design and control along with innovative experiments at a range of scales for process and product design. The focus is on the innovative bioproduction of added value products from sustainable biomass resources.
His research contributions in the area of Industrial biotechnology have been recognised by the 2011 IChemE Innovation and Excellence Award for bioprocessing. His research group develops state-of-the-art computational algorithms for the dynamics, optimisation and controller design of complex large- and multi-scale (bio)chemical systems and follows this through to implementation for the experimental bioconversion of biorefinery byproducts to added value chemicals. He has over 150 publications, in high quality scientific journals and indexed book chapters as well as a US patent granted. He has secured and led a number of research grants from EPSRC, BBSRC, InnovateUK, Royal Society, and EU and sustains successful collaborations with the industry. He has also given plenary, keynote, and invited lectures/seminars at large international conferences, prestigious workshops, and research-intensive universities around the world.